What Are the Most Common Diseases in Women?

Studies have shown that the female population is most prone to these diseases:

  • Autoimmune system diseases
  • Heart diseases
  • Depression
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Osteoporosis (a condition which affects bone density)
  • Certain types of cancer, usually related to the female anatomy

It is a good idea to consult your family’s medical history to know if you are especially likely to develop a certain disease and possibly make adjustments in your lifestyle in hopes of preventing it. Keep in mind that while genetics do play a role when it comes to susceptibility to certain illnesses environmental factors are equally important. Also, even if you have a family history of a certain illness, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will get it too. It just means you are more likely to than the average person.


Health Concerns that Apply to the Female Sex

Women have different health risks greatly depending on their age group, but there are a couple of routine check-ups which are recommended for all females once they’ve started menstruating. These include checking for any unusual bumps on breasts and scheduling a regular breast ultrasound (or mammography) once a year to check for breast cancer and making time for regular appointments with a gynaecologist for a pelvic ultrasound.

The Younger Population

In adolescents and young adult females the most commonly observed mental and physical health problems are:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Missing a monthly menstrual cycle (this can happen due to stress, heavy exercise among other reasons)
  • Unwanted pregnancy
  • Endometriosis
  • STDs

Sometimes the problems related to the menstrual cycle will sort themselves out by themselves as the body adjusts to changes in puberty. However, if the issues are interfering with everyday life it is best to consult with a professional from the field of women’s health.

Adult Women

In adulthood questions of fertility often come into the picture. For women that have plans to start a family, issues in sexual functioning can become a difficult obstacle to overcome. In their lifetime women may go through:

  • One or more miscarriages
  • Early menopause (which can be followed by osteoarthritis)
  • Painful intercourse
  • Health complications caused by STDs
  • High-risk pregnancy due to certain health conditions
  • A history of UTIs because the female urethra is noticeably shorter than in males, and therefore more susceptible to infections
  • Postnatal depression

Another issue which is more common in women is the risk related to cosmetic procedures, such as plastic surgery. While sometimes these procedures are medical in nature, a lot of women undergo cosmetic surgery without learning about the possible hazardous consequences on their health.

Senior Women

In the past life expectancy was much shorter and most women didn’t live long enough to reach menopause, let alone live for decades after it. For some women the end of monthly cycles can feel like a blessing, but while pregnancy is no longer a concern the senior age also comes with its range of health risks. Some of these are:

  • Diminished bone density
  • Higher possibility of heart disease
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Arthritis
  • Sleep problems (insomnia, trouble staying asleep etc.)
  • Forgetfulness
  • Loneliness and isolation (especially in women living alone or in nursing homes)


Treatment We Offer

At Dr Jo Gee Psychotherapy, we know that every chapter in life provides new hardships and can offer solutions. Our handpicked team of experts is here to support you through any difficulty you may be facing and prepare you for facing them head on.

Our golden standard choice of treatment for issues related to women’s health is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Some of its benefits are as follows:

  • It’s short but provides long-lasting symptom relief
  • It helps you recognize the thought patterns that aren’t useful and replace them with more helpful ones
  • It gives you the mechanisms needed to cope with your feelings in a healthy way
  • It can be combined with pharmacotherapy

Get In Touch

Still not sure if you could benefit from our services? We offer a free 15 minute phone consultation at a time convenient for you. After that you can book a 50-75 minute assessment where you will have time to ask questions, share your therapy goals, discuss the possible outcomes, and build a personalized treatment plan with a member of our expert team. Your therapist will support you every step of the way, whether you opt for a short or a long-term plan.

If you would like to book an initial consultation, please message or call us, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.